International Law

International law is increasingly a concern for a wide range of stakeholders, whether public or private bodies, international or national organisations and institutions. Given contemporary and future global challenges – for example, protecting security, preserving the rights of the state in a growing multipolar world and conserving natural resources – the significance of international law studies is growing more than ever. 

The Department of International Law of Shahid Beheshti University was the first law department in Iran that provided the LLM and PhD studies in international law. These programs provide the opportunity for the students to engage with a dynamic and responsive approach to contemporary global challenges through law and legal institutions. It examines topics such as the use of force, climate change, global migration, law of the sea, international humanitarian law, human rights and the right to development, within the context of LL.M. and PhD in International Law. LLM in international law is a two-year postgraduate degree course, and PhD program is a four year one that provides advanced, comprehensive and practice-oriented training in international law.

The graduates will have:
  • Broad and systemic knowledge in the field of Public International Law;
  • Ability to make sound judgments on the basis of critical analysis of the current developments in international legal order;
  • Ability to implement arguments and research methods to the current issues of international law;
  • Ability to evaluate and analyse the existing legal values and interests of the Iranian community in a contemporary world with a view to fair balancing of the party interests and, in the case of need, contribute to the creation of new ones.